Super7 are gradually working their way through the main Filmation characters, and the second set has now arrived after a year's wait since ordering. The four figures of this set were released alongside a set of Classics figures, reviewed here. Whereas the Classics are inspired by the styling of the vintage line and given a modern design, the Filmation figures are intended to be as close to their illustrated versions as possible. With this new set that goal has largely been achieved.

Just to make things absolutely clear, even though some of us want to keep the Filmation and Classics lines separate, we're collecting and enjoying both. While some have argued that they're all ultimately the same, that's obviously not the case. I don't present this as strong evidence in support of my point, but even Super7's packaging for these sets describes one group as 'Classics Assortment' and the other (Filmation) as 'Club Grayskull'. Aesthetically, there's really no argument.

Anyway, talking about the two lines not belonging on the same shelf is not what this page is about. But, before I get to the Filmation figures, I want to mention the inclusion of a replacement Tri‑Klops head. Well, I would if I had received one. You'll remember that Tri‑Klops's visor didn't rotate because it was stuck fast with glue or paint. Some customers have reported receiving a replacement with Set 2, but this seems to be hit-and-miss. A well-intended gesture by Super7 seems to have turned a bit sour.

The selection for this Filmation set is pretty good and not unexpected. As I mentioned, it's the main characters who are being made in Club Grayskull, so seeing Man-E-Faces, Sorceress and Mer‑Man comes as no surprise. Tung Lashor is perhaps not so prominent in cartoon form, but I'd have to defer to someone more knowledgeable to have that confirmed. I think the thing to remember with these figures is that there's no expectation for Classics detailing because these are simpler versions.

MAN‑E‑FACES is instantly recognisable. He does have a monster and robot face as you'd expect. You have to touch the faces themselves in order to swap them around, which is slightly awkward. Being Filmation-accurate there is no dial for this purpose. Dare I say it, but the faces are sculpted better than on the Classics version, which had an unsymmetrical sculpt and an obvious gap inside the helmet. This is exactly what I'd expect from a Filmation version, and I rather like him, although the thigh-length boots are decidedly unmanly.

SORCERESS looks okay at first glance, but then you get into the detail and realise that things are not right. The face seems fine until you notice the eyes are a teeny bit wide, giving her a wonky expression. Her waist is where her ribs should be, and her hips are... twice the width of her waist? What's going on? The dress looks like it's been shrunk in the wash and is now riding up past her knickers. She's just a bit weird. I'll give plus points for the attempt at sorting the wings out – the Classics version was a disaster – but the pins are too big for the holes. Same for the Zoar stand. That young and pretty alternate head is meant to be an older Sorceress.

MER‑MAN is my favourite in this set. The shocked expression is just right for a Filmation Mer‑Man. He might not be the best version of this character – well, he definitely isn't – but he's very likeable. He shows that sometimes the simpler cartoon styling can work very well. It's an uncomplicated design that captures the essence of how he was portrayed in the series. It's well-executed figures like this one that keep Classics fans buying the Filmation selection when we might otherwise be disuaded from doing so. Full marks.

TUNG LASHOR is nothing like his Vintage or Classics design, and that's a shame, but he is based on a concept illustration. This rather odd-looking creature looks more like a bald dog than a snake. I don't dislike this figure, but he's just... ordinary. This is the risk that the Filmation line faces: sometimes the characters are going to turn out quite flat and uninteresting. I wouldn't risk forcing the gun into his hand – a case of square peg, round hole. I like the colour scheme though.