SPIRIT OF GRAYSKULL. This figure has been retro-fitted to the original MOTU canon, hence his inclusion here. In the Classics canon, this is the spectre of King Grayskull who resides in the famous castle. There was no such character in the original tales, but there was a ghostly apparition known as the Spirit of the Castle who appeared in the first two minicomics. Then, of course, no one knew who created the ancient fortress or what the ghost really was. Phantasmal beings inside Castle Grayskull were also featured a couple of times in the Series Two minicomics. Having the dead King Grayskull become the Spirit may not be a perfect fit, but I admire the idea. As for the figure, I like him a lot. He glows in the dark - perhaps not as stylishly as Scare Glow - and the paint highlights work nicely. The face doesn't match his torso though, and the darker shade looks quite odd, especially when he's glowing.
NINJA WARRIOR. Mattel was not able to obtain the correct name for this figure thanks to a trademark issue, but this is, of course, Ninjor from the original line. Classics Ninjor is really good with plenty of detail. There is a second head, which I like apart from the fly-away ponytail, and it's a lot closer to how Jitsu should have been styled (remember the narrow head of that Classics figure?). A minor niggle is the bland bow and arrow set - it lacks any special detail or colouring. It's a shame because the katana was done really well. The additional belt is a very stylish piece. Overall a splendid figure.
OO-LARR. Okay, so we all know his name is stupid. We can't do much about that. But this simple figure is one of the most important figures in the Classics line. This is the He-Man of the original minicomics - the jungle-bred tough guy who won the Sorceress's favour and became the protector of Eternia. In Classics biography terms, the canon has been altered to make him a different He-Man (thus making room for the Prince Adam one), but we all know how weak the bios are. So let's concentrate on this historic figure. Not only do we get the minicomic head, which contains all the ire of He-Man as seen in the Glut and Cohn minicomics, but we also have an original He-Man toy head as well. The weapons were featured in the artwork in the first minicomic, He-Man and the Power Sword (pages 1 and 4). Incidentally the axe packed with Huntara (released at the same time) appears in the same minicomic on page 20, and can therefore be considered an Oo-Larr accessory. Oo-Larr was the 2015 subscriber- only figure. What he lacks in features he makes up for in terms of MOTU lore. A vital figure for the line.